
sliding ['slaɪdɪŋ]  ['slaɪdɪŋ] 




过去分词:slid; slidden


sliding 基本解释


动词滑落; 滑动,滑行( slide的现在分词 ); 下跌; 打滑

sliding 网络解释

1. 滑动:两只钢球亦可调节为不等速度之回转,故滑动面有兼具滑动(Sliding)与滚动(Rolling)之运动. 上球亦连一杠杆,可加减负荷. 下球之四分之三直径浸于油中,供润滑两钢环摩擦面之用,本法亦称为美国联邦之6501T法,或CRC-L-17-545试验法.

2. 滑行:目前滑板轮根据不同的用途大致可分为公园/坡道(Park/Ramp)、速降(Downhill)、回转(Alalom)、滑行(Sliding)、割滑(Caving)、老式(Old School)滑轮等. 轮子的外型影响到滑行效果,主要有轮径(Diameter)、接触宽度(Contact Patch)和侧边形状(Edge)三个因素.

3. 滑步:其次防守心态是,永远不放弃的跟随对手运球;大部分业余防守者的缺失是,对手运球两、三步后就放弃不跟随;所以,防守上应该持续跟随,滑步(sliding)跟不上就以交叉步跟随,若再跟不上就以跑步跟随,切记,防守上永不放弃,如此你就不会被过人.

4. 滑移:[摘要]随着窑体转速的提高,物料在窑内所经历的运动形式也不同,主要经历滑移(sliding)、脉动(surging)、塌落(slumping)、滚落(rolling)、泻落(cascading)、抛落(cataracting)和离心运动(centrifuging),但就煅烧质量而言,

sliding 单语例句

1. Dongfang Electric Corp rallied the 10 percent daily cap as industrial profits rebounded 55 percent after sliding last year.

2. sliding的意思

2. Analysts said the reduction of Sequoia Capital China's stake in Peak is a result of the depressed sports goods market and the company's sliding performance.

3. The launch of these funds is expected to bring a new round of fresh capital into the sliding stock market.

4. Atlanta's Chipper Jones extended his hitting streak to 12 games but he hurt his right quadricep sliding into second base and didn't return.

5. Complex transactions were designed to move risk and disguise the sliding value of assets.

6. sliding是什么意思

6. Before the rebound, the price had been sliding for seven consecutive days.

7. Sliding glass doors are used in refrigerators and coolers to conserve energy, and water running from the refrigeration system is purified and reused.

8. Park surged forward and beat two sliding tackles before coolly scoring with a low shot.

9. The government says manufacturing capacity is growing too quickly in some industries, leading to sliding prices and corporate profits.

10. On the coast there are numerous dunes, and sliding from the top directly into the sea is an exhilarating and adventurous experience.

sliding 英英释义


1. being a smooth continuous motion