
sling [slɪŋ]  [slɪŋ] 






sling 基本解释

名词吊索,鞋带; 投石器; 投掷; [医]悬带

及物动词吊起,悬挂; 投掷; 遣送,押往

sling 相关例句



1. He slung his coat over his shoulder.

2. The boys slung stones at the miserable cat.

3. The line of flags was slung between two trees.


1. He had to keep his broken arm in a sling.

2. Her right arm was in a sling.

3. They lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling.

sling 网络解释

1. 吊索:证明尿失禁是由尿道的过度移动所引起了. 这个技术也奠定Burch医生的地位. 过去此种手术必须藉由开腹进行,而今已可利用腹腔镜经由3-4 个0.5 公分的小伤口来完成. 腹腔镜尿道下吊索(sling)手术:无张力性人工阴道悬吊带(TVT)手术:

2. 投石器:其实BBC在制作内容深度上是不错的,比如从现代医学角度探讨巨人歌利亚身体的弱点、用现代测速器来模拟测试大卫用的投石器(sling)的杀伤力、从考古遗址推论大卫攻取耶路撒冷所用的地下水道等.

3. 绳套:攀岩装备也可按保护性装备和辅助性装备分为两大类: 保护性装备包括保护绳(rope)、安全带(harness)、铁锁(carabiner)、绳套(sling)、头盔(helmet)、下降器(descender)及上升器(ascender)等.

sling 词典解释

1. sling的翻译

1. 摔;扔;投;掷
    If you sling something somewhere, you throw it there carelessly.

    e.g. Marla was recently seen slinging her shoes at Trump...
    e.g. I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.

2. (往肩膀上)挎;搭(在椅背上)
    If you sling something over your shoulder or over something such as a chair, you hang it there loosely.

    e.g. She slung her coat over her desk chair...
    e.g. He had a small green rucksack slung over one shoulder.

3. (在两点之间)吊起,悬挂
    If a rope, blanket, or other object is slung between two points, someone has hung it loosely between them.

    e.g. ...two long poles with a blanket slung between them...
    e.g. We slept in hammocks slung beneath the roof.

4. (用以吊运物品的)吊索,吊链
    A sling is an object made of ropes, straps, or cloth that is used for carrying things.

    e.g. They used slings of rope to lower us from one set of arms to another.

5. (保护骨折或受伤的胳膊的)吊腕带,三角巾
    A sling is a piece of cloth which supports someone's broken or injured arm and is tied round their neck.

    e.g. She was back at work with her arm in a sling.

6. (用于把婴儿背在背上或托在胸前的)背带,背巾
    A baby sling is a device in which you carry a baby, either on your back or across your front.

7. see also: mud-slinging

8. 无妄之灾;飞来横祸;不愉快的事
    Slings and arrows are unpleasant things that happen to you and that are not your fault.

    e.g. She had suffered her own share of slings and arrows in the quest for publicity.

sling 单语例句

1. sling什么意思

1. The tank was suspended from a crane and it fell when the sling suddenly failed, said a spokesman with the company.

2. It is said the star fell from a building while dangling from a sling while filming a stunt in Hong Kong.

3. sling的意思

3. Many games require only a single finger motion to slash a floating watermelon or sling a bird toward a pig.

4. One MP had his arm in sling and a woman lawmaker wore a neck brace.

5. Anne Hathaway has been forced to wear her arm in a sling after having a " minor accident ".

6. Grace Kelly used her Hermes scarf as a sling to support a broken arm.

7. The tank suspended from a crane fell when the sling suddenly failed, said a spokesman with the company.

8. sling的翻译

8. The children shot the animals with sling shots and beat them with wooden sticks.

9. He could have made a bigger stink, had he been inclined to sling mud.

10. Zhang insisted on attending the examination with an aching head and his right arm in a sling after receiving minimal medical treatment in hospital.

sling 英英释义


1. bandage to support an injured forearm
    consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck

    Synonym: scarf bandage triangular bandage

2. sling是什么意思

2. a simple weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a projectile is whirled and then released

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a shoe that has a strap that wraps around the heel

    Synonym: slingback

4. a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms
    used to propel small stones

    Synonym: slingshot catapult

5. a highball with liquor and water with sugar and lemon or lime juice


1. hurl as if with a sling

    Synonym: catapult

2. hold or carry in a sling

    e.g. he cannot button his shirt with his slinged arm

3. move with a sling

    e.g. sling the cargo onto the ship

4. hang loosely or freely
    let swing