slow up

slow up [sləu ʌp]  [slo ʌp] 

slow up 基本解释

slow up


slow up 网络解释

slow up的意思

1. 变得不那么忙,慢下来:slide over 略过;回避 | slow up 变得不那么忙,慢下来 | smell of 有...的气味

2. 慢下来:slow time 标准时间 | slow up 慢下来 | slow 慢的

3. 减慢,减退:act upon 对...起作用;按照 | slow up 减慢,减退 | constrict vt.压缩,使缩小

slow up 词典解释

1. 同 slow down 1
    Slow up means the same as slow down 1 .

    e.g. Sales are slowing up...
    e.g. The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system.

slow up 单语例句

1. slow up的翻译

1. Bernanke said rising oil prices presented a " very tough call " for central bankers, because energy price gains not only slow growth but push up inflation.

2. Weapons experts estimate that at the present slow rate of progress it could take up to 150 years before such clearance work ends.

3. slow up的解释

3. The worm will clog Internet traffic and greatly eat up resources on infected computers to slow down their speeds.

4. This year's late Spring Festival meaning housewives weren't yet stocking up their kitchens last month has been credited for the slow growth in consumer prices.

5. But if the recovery is slow and smaller banks'finances get even worse, it could wind up costing even more.

6. Slow down and make sure all the tiny details agree with each other, or else you'll just end up having to do all this work over again.

7. The sale adds to evidence that demand for IPOs is drying up in China, where stocks have retreated on concern lending curbs will slow the economy.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Six police have been sacked and four suspended after criticism that they were slow to follow up on reports of missing children.

9. slow up是什么意思

9. The company's ambitious target comes as its sales and the overall domestic passenger car market picked up pace after a slow couple of years.

10. She was walking real slow, which I thought was very inconsiderate again because we were trying to keep up.

slow up 英英释义


1. slow up的近义词

1. lose velocity
    move more slowly

    e.g. The car decelerated

    Synonym: decelerate slow slow down retard

2. become slow or slower

    e.g. Production slowed

    Synonym: slow slow down slack slacken

3. slow up是什么意思

3. cause to proceed more slowly

    e.g. The illness slowed him down

    Synonym: slow slow down