
slower [sləʊər]  [sloʊr] 









slower 基本解释



形容词慢的( slow的比较级 ); 迟钝的; 慢速的; 迟迟不…

slower 网络解释

1. 减慢:slowdown 怠工 | slower 减慢 | slowgoing 缓步的

2. 更(较)慢的:slow 慢的;缓慢的 | slower 更(较)慢的 | south 南;南方

3. 较慢的:Slovakia /斯洛伐克/ | Slower /较慢的/ | Smilacina /鹿药属/

4. 缓慢攻击系(就是会施放减慢怪物攻击速度的人):MMORPG - Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game,大型多玩家在线角色扮演游戏. | SLOWER 缓慢攻击系(就是会施放减慢怪物攻击速度的人) | Snare 陷阱,使怪减缓移动速

slower 单语例句

1. By contrast, other Asian economies such as South Korea have had slower structural adjustments compared to China.

2. The cancer cells in both the flaxseed groups grew about 30 to 40 percent slower than the control group.

3. Higher coffee consumption has been associated with slower progression of pre - existing liver disease and lower risk of liver cancer.

4. The pace at which input buying rose contracted from the previous survey period, in line with the slower expansion in activity.

5. The harder one appeared much slower in the unseasonably cold conditions so most chose to wait until the very end to swap.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Slower versions will also be available, but Intel isn't saying what the slowest clock speed will be.

7. I also look for slower import growth of 36 percent YoY versus 51 percent previously, with the YoY growth being boosted by higher commodity prices.

8. Industry analysts have reached a consensus that China's economy might continue to decelerate as a result of slower industrial output growth and weakening overseas demand.

9. Growth is " considerably slower " than anticipated, the FOMC said in a statement.

10. The increases came as the city posted a slower rise in the consumer price index than the provincial average.

slower 英英释义



1. more slowly