1. 活泼的:smacker 咂咂声 | smacking 活泼的 | smacksman 船员
2. 活泼的/发出大的声音的/精力充沛的/掴:smacker /表示满足的人/发声的接吻/ | smacking /活泼的/发出大的声音的/精力充沛的/掴/ | smacksman /小渔船的船员/
3. 发出大的声音的:发出此种尖锐高音bleep | 发出大的声音的smacking | 发出大声音的人noisemaker
1. In many places in Europe and North America, eating with an open mouth or lip smacking can be an instant turn off.
2. She angrily kicked a divot out of the grass and swung her club, stopping just short of smacking the ground.
3. smacking什么意思
3. Her shoulders repeatedly slumped after missing shots that she normally would have been smacking for winners.