small intestine的翻译
1. 小肠:2.小肠(small intestine) 分为十二指肠、空肠、回肠三部分. (1)十二指肠(duodenum)长约30厘米左右. 分为球部、降部、水平部和升部. 球部前外方是胆囊,后方有胆总管,下后方是胰头. 球部在肝门处向下折曲部分称为十二指肠上曲;降部内邻胰头,
2. 肠道:小写:Small Write | 肠道:Small intestine | 小肤:small peptide
3. <解剖学 Anatomy> 小肠:red nucleus <解剖学 Anatomy> 红核 | small intestine <解剖学 Anatomy> 小肠 | cartilage <解剖学 Anatomy> 软骨
4. 六、小肠:五、胃Stomach | 六、小肠Small Intestine | 七、大肠Large Intestine
1. Prebiotics describe a type of food - usually a form of carbohydrate, which passes through the small intestine undigested until it reaches the colon.
2. Capsule video endoscopy allows us to diagnose a wide variety of diseases in the small intestine with convenience and minimal risk.
3. The fat often stimulates the secretion of several hormones associated with feelings of fullness in the small intestine.
1. the longest part of the alimentary canal
where digestion is completed