
smarmy [ˈsmɑ:mi]  [ˈsmɑ:rmi] 



smarmy 基本解释


smarmy 网络解释


1. 令人厌烦的:smarm 阿谀 | smarmy 令人厌烦的 | smart aleck 自作聪明的人

2. 虚情假意的:blur弄脏,v | smarmy虚情假意的 | smear涂抹掩饰v

3. 令人厌烦的/爱说奉承话的:smarm /掩饰/阿谀/说奉承话/ | smarmy /令人厌烦的/爱说奉承话的/ | smarten /使潇洒/使整洁/变潇洒/变强烈/

4. 爱说奉承话的:smarm 说奉承话 | smarmy 爱说奉承话的 | smart 俏

smarmy 双语例句

1. I don't think being smarmy is going to work either

2. I dont think being smarmy is going to work either.

3. Loom's website is still the same smarmy blank it has been for months.

4. No, you're smarmy.
    不 你是在挖苦我这是不一样的

5. What could that smarmy letch possibly want?


6. Smarmy might work better, though it is difficult to bring off.

7. Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress.

8. She was trying to be friendly, but she just seemed smarmy and insincere.

9. He has a smarmy charm that some women find irresistible.

10. Trying to be friendly just makes you look smarmy.


11. Meanwhile, the smarmy newspaper editor is almost unwatchable in his eagerness to harness the growing bigotry.

12. Had he benefited from constant caning and possibly fagging in a Public School, maybe he wouldn`t have that smarmy look on his face all the time

smarmy 词典解释

1. 讨好的;拍马屁的;虚情假意的
    If you describe someone as smarmy, you dislike them because they are unpleasantly polite and flattering, usually because they want you to like them or to do something for them.

    e.g. Rick is slightly smarmy and eager to impress.

smarmy 英英释义


1. unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech

    e.g. buttery praise
           gave him a fulsome introduction
           an oily sycophantic press agent
           oleaginous hypocrisy
           smarmy self-importance
           the unctuous Uriah Heep
           soapy compliments

    Synonym: buttery fulsome oily oleaginous soapy unctuous