
smash [smæʃ]  [smæʃ] 






smash 基本解释

及物动词打碎; 撞击; 猛扣(球等)

不及物动词被击碎; 扣球,抽杀

smash 相关例句


1. He got drunk and began to smash things.


1. The car smashed into a wall.


1. He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw.

2. There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.

smash 网络解释


1. 扣球:在他11岁时,瑞士网球杂志<<高压扣球>>(Smash)第一次对他产生了兴趣. 当他1992年10月在巴塞尔少年杯赛、这项竞技网球的入门赛事中打入半决赛后,该杂志刊登了一篇有关少年费德勒的小豆腐块文章. 尽管罗杰提高得很快,

2. 粉碎:截图、压缩、粉碎(Smash)、骗子信息、背灯长开、硬件查看器......使用中你会发现着实太丰富了. 6、程序参数多种点子自定义. 可以根据您自己的喜好来定义程序的应用. 汉化阐明: 软件的壮大带来的是汉化工作的沉重,

3. 扣杀:网前技巧,费德勒在当今网坛具有无与伦比的实力,他可以在网前处理各种穿越球,他的网前扣杀(smash)具有超高的准度,几乎不可能失误(除非是观众的干扰,如08年温网决赛),网前截击的时机和处理方面也是一绝.

smash 词典解释

1. 打烂;摔碎
    If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example when it is hit or dropped.

    e.g. Someone smashed a bottle...
    e.g. A crowd of youths started smashing windows...

2. 打破;冲破;突破
    If you smash through a wall, gate, or door, you get through it by hitting and breaking it.

    e.g. The demonstrators used trucks to smash through embassy gates...
    e.g. Soldiers smashed their way into his office.

3. (使)撞击;(使)拍击;(使)冲击
    If something smashes or is smashed against something solid, it moves very fast and with great force against it.

    e.g. The bottle smashed against a wall...
    e.g. He smashed his fist into Anthony's face.

4. smash在线翻译

4. (有意识地)摧毁,粉碎,消灭(政治组织、制度等)
    To smash a political group or system means to deliberately destroy it.

    e.g. Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed.

5. 同 smash hit
    A smash is the same as a smash hit .

    e.g. It is the public who decide if a film is a smash or a flop.

6. 撞车
    You can refer to a car crash as a smash .

    e.g. He was near to death after a car smash.

7. see also: smashed;smashing

相关词组:smash down smash up

smash 单语例句

1. smash的翻译

1. Woods'wife has told police she used a golf club to smash the back windows of the Cadillac Escalade to help her husband out.

2. The owner then used a screwdriver to smash through the bath casing and rescue her distressed pet.


3. Peel the ginger and smash it flat with the side of a Chinese cleaver.

4. The only way out for many was to smash windows and clamber onto the side of the ship and wait to be lifted off.

5. Gently smash the cucumbers with the side of your cleaver so they break, but do not quite fall apart.

6. smash

6. Ke $ ha ended her performance with her hit " Tik Tok " as she attempted to smash a pinata while confetti rained down on the crowd.


7. And some rich people contest in wealth - they gauge their fortune by counting the bottles of XO they're willing to smash.

8. They used a hydraulic jack to force open the main door and a crowbar to smash a glass door.

9. The Democrat's ground team helped him smash fundraising records and sail into the White House, making him the first African American to win the presidency.

10. smash什么意思

10. Militants are determined to claim any Israeli pullout as a victory, but the army has vowed to smash armed factions first.

smash 英英释义


1. smash在线翻译

1. a conspicuous success

    e.g. that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career
           that new Broadway show is a real smasher
           the party went with a bang

    Synonym: hit smasher strike bang

2. the act of colliding with something

    e.g. his crash through the window
           the fullback's smash into the defensive line

    Synonym: crash

3. a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head

    Synonym: overhead

4. a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)

    Synonym: smash-up

5. a vigorous blow

    e.g. the sudden knock floored him
           he took a bash right in his face
           he got a bang on the head

    Synonym: knock bash bang belt


1. break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow

    e.g. The window smashed

2. break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over

    e.g. Smash a plate

    Synonym: dash

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful)

    e.g. The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off

4. hit hard

    e.g. He smashed a 3-run homer

    Synonym: nail boom blast

5. smash的解释

5. collide or strike violently and suddenly

    e.g. The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail

6. hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke

7. smash的翻译

7. damage or destroy as if by violence

    e.g. The teenager banged up the car of his mother

    Synonym: bang up smash up

8. humiliate or depress completely

    e.g. She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
           The death of her son smashed her

    Synonym: crush demolish

9. hit violently

    e.g. She smashed her car against the guard rail

10. reduce to bankruptcy

    e.g. My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!
           The slump in the financial markets smashed him

    Synonym: bankrupt ruin break


1. with a loud crash

    e.g. the car went smash through the fence

    Synonym: smashingly