1. 模糊:普通的数值方法在离散方程(2-3)时将造成很大的假扩散问题,计算结果将出现界面模糊(Smearing)现象,在F=1 与F=0 之间存在大量自由表面单元. 为了得到清晰的自由表面,美国的科研人员发展了一种VOF(Volume of Fluid)方法,
2. 涂抹:正常磨损(Normal Wear)设计允许范围内的磨损材料转移(Pick-up or Transfer)由于滑动或滚动界面的强粘附力而使材料由一表面转移到另一表面上的现象涂抹(Smearing)摩擦副一表面上的材料发生转移,
3. 蹭脏 印纹逐渐模糊 擦花:Signature 折标,书帖 书帖 帖号,书帖 | Smearing 蹭脏 印纹逐渐模糊 擦花 | Smoothing 光洁化,平滑 平滑处理 平滑处理
4. 擦脏:Sheet work 套版 | Smearing 擦脏 | Smoothing 光洁化
1. It is widely known that he made a right mess of his Hackney home by smearing the walls with blood and excrement.
2. Smearing them with corn oil is an effective and nonpolluting way to prevent unwanted goslings.
3. They patch up a piece of news using untested or even fabricated information, or sink to irrational bashing and smearing.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. It is a fallacy for US lawmakers to win over voters by smearing China and Chinese businesses during the election season.
5. The article characterized the ICAC as an institutional hitman and spy organization, smearing those the government does not like.
6. The pig toilets are made by smearing pig waste inside to encourage the animals to use them rather than nearby rivers.