smiling face

smiling face

smiling face 单语例句

1. US companies have printed cigar bands with Obama's smiling face to celebrate his victory, but Ramirez says his specially made cigars are one of a kind.

2. The smiling face of that girl made such an impression on him that he could not erase it from his mind.

3. Just one glance at this cute, smiling face made me so hot that I don't even need to turn it on!

4. " This is good for us, " said Goddard with a smiling face.

5. Both agree that although the Dalai Lama leads an undemocratic religious regime, he has a good public relations strategy because he presents a smiling and amiable face.

6. She soon spotted a young face as beautiful and as kind as the face she so well remembers her mother's smiling back at her.

7. It seems that SOHO members have a lot of reasons to worry about their future, but most of them put on a smiling face.

8. A smiling cartoon face is pasted on the door of any establishment that passes all nine indices.