1. 烟幕:原本这一对飞行小队的人物,在设定中是新一代的威震天与红蜘蛛,也许是因为形象上与以往相差太远,或者是缺乏很好的故事背景,最终在1994年还是改成了骇翼(Dreadwing)与烟幕(Smokescreen).
2. 烟雾弹:於是乎亦有玩家将之重新repaint回铁皮或者力捷. 头是直接用BT01烟雾弹(Smokescreen)改色,虽然细节上有丁点出入,但没所谓吧?:p与潜行兽(Prowl)针锋相对,重现IDW G1系列 的一幕!!
3. 烟幕 烟幕:Perceptor 感知器 博士 | Smokescreen 烟幕 烟幕 | Omega Supreme 大力金刚 庞龙
4. 挡烟垂壁:smokescare烟气引起的恐慌 | smokescreen挡烟垂壁 | smokesensingchamber烟雾受感室
1. (掩盖某人的活动或真实意图的)烟幕,幌子
If something that you do or say is a smokescreen, it is intended to hide the truth about your activities or intentions.
e.g. He was accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide poor standards in schools.
1. They used a smokescreen device to conceal their movements, and their assault was supported by remote artillery fire.
2. But in the past few months the smokescreen shielding the secret world of celebrity slimming has started to lift.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. To many observers, the promised wage increases turned out to be a smokescreen.
4. Palestinians see it as a smokescreen behind which he will keep most territory they want for a state.
5. smokescreen
5. Societe Generale was creating a " smokescreen " to hide losses it had made elsewhere, the news agency quoted the lawyers as saying.
6. A precise analysis is necessary to go beyond the smokescreen of portfolio valuations.
7. Western powers see a smokescreen for an atom bomb project in the Islamic Republic, which wants Israel destroyed.
1. an action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure
e.g. requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures
Synonym: smoke screen
2. (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
Synonym: smoke screen