
smoothie [ˈsmu:ði]  [ˈsmuði] 



smoothie 基本解释


名词冰沙; 善于讨好女人的男子; 举止优雅的人; 冰果露

smoothie 网络解释

1. 冰沙:最近水果冰沙(Smoothie)越来越受欢迎,因为它可以帮助民众达成每日五蔬果的目标,但牙医却认为水果冰沙中所含的糖分与果酸容易引起蛀牙.

2. 冰砂:9. veggie:蔬菜 | 10. smoothie:冰砂 | 11. more often than not:时常

3. 善于献殷庋的男子:smoothfluentjoyfulhappy 畅 | smoothie 善于献殷庋的男子 | smoothiesmoothy 高尚者

4. 高尚者/善于献殷庋的男子:smoother /弄平的人/路面整平机/修光工具/ | smoothie /高尚者/善于献殷庋的男子/ | smoothing /平滑/

smoothie 词典解释

1. 老于世故的人;精明圆滑的人
    If you describe a man as a smoothie, you mean that he is extremely smart, confident, and polite, often in a way that you find rather unpleasant.

2. 水果奶昔(指一种用果汁、酸奶或冰激凌混合成的饮料)
    A smoothie is a thick drink made from fruit crushed in a machine, sometimes with yogurt or ice cream added.

smoothie 单语例句

1. It made four popsicles with some leftover to save for a breakfast smoothie tomorrow morning.

2. I'm always tossing watermelon with fresh mint, so I decided to see how the two would blend in a smoothie.

3. Whisky baba is perfumed with vanilla and orange that is warm, soft and aromatic - and served along with a coffee smoothie.

smoothie 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. a thick smooth drink consisting of fresh fruit pureed with ice cream or yoghurt or milk

2. smoothie的翻译

2. someone with an assured and ingratiating manner

    Synonym: smoothy sweet talker charmer