
smoothing ['smu:ðɪŋ]  ['smu:ðɪŋ] 








smoothing 基本解释



动词(使)光滑, (使)平坦, (使)顺利( smooth的现在分词 ); 缓和; 使平和; 使(举止等)高雅

smoothing 网络解释

1. 平滑化:Delta函数由影像中物件的边缘位置决定,其效用只影响了全解中稳态解的部份,并不会随著时间而与暂态解一起衰减,因此加入热源后的扩散方程式就能将灰阶数位影像平滑化(smoothing)的同时,也可以将物件的锐利边缘保留而避免被模糊的缺点.

2. 修匀:此时抽样 (sampling) 方法、序贯 (sequential) 分析、修匀 (smoothing) 技术与影像 (image) 处理等多种理论与方法将可达到合理的近似结果. (g) 资讯视觉化之遗漏值 (missing value) 处理找出最佳树 结构以 低误判 一直是分类树研究中一项主题,

3. 滤波:BioTyper分析软件整合了质谱操作功能和鉴定以及分类的功能,研究者可以自定义滤波(Smoothing)处理参数、数据衰减或基线校正,所以所得结果是专业的峰列表.

smoothing 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Aimed at smoothing the way for visitors to tourism favourites in the Yangtze River Delta, the meeting brought together scores of officials from different provinces and municipalities.

2. This product is an elixir for smoothing and controlling dry, frizzy and unmanageable hair.

3. Seventy related rules and regulations have been published since the enactment of this law, smoothing out the market's rough edges from its early days.

4. Tilton said in a Jan 21 interview that global alliances are smoothing the path to mergers because they forge closer ties among carriers.

5. Rising demand for the yuan overseas is smoothing the path for Chinese firms to invest abroad with the yuan.

6. Bill Clinton already has appeared to take an important step toward smoothing his wife's path to the job.

7. smoothing

7. However, the smoothing words seemed to have no effect on the American public.

8. smoothing是什么意思

8. Wang said financial support from professional institutes is instrumental in smoothing the way for project construction.

9. He has a reputation for resourcefulness because of his role in smoothing over the fallout from the SARS outbreak.

10. Thus, an improved social security system will be vital for smoothing the process.