1. 污迹:smut 煤尘 | smutch 污迹 | smuttily 淫秽地
2. 弄脏:smut 煤炱;炭黑;酸洗残渣;污点;劣质软煤 | smutch 弄脏 | SMYS 规定的最小屈服强度
3. 污迹/弄脏:smut /煤尘/污迹/黑穗病/弄脏/患黑穗病/ | smutch /污迹/弄脏/ | smuttily /弄着/淫猥地/
4. 弄脏,污点:notch V字形刻痕,山间窄路 | smutch 弄脏,污点 | debauch 使放荡,堕落
1. The prize winner for islands and island nations is * Rosa Hilda Ramos of Puerto Rico. She is leading a movement to protest protect the last * smutch Las Cucharillas Marsh from factory pullution pollution. The wetland area is one of the last open spaces in * near San Juan's community of * Catano.
岛屿与岛屿国家的获奖者是波多黎各的Rosa Hilda Ramos,她领导了一场保护Las Cucharillas沼泽免受工厂污染的运动,这块湿地是靠近圣胡安Catano社区的最后的空地之一。