
snag [snæg]  [snæɡ] 







snag 基本解释


名词小困难或障碍; 突出物; 钩丝

及物动词抓住; 戳坏; 清除暗桩

不及物动词妨碍; 被戳坏

snag 网络解释

1. 新好男人:是人我外母唔系人我要变成硬柿子我在垦丁天气晴午马行动舞动全城西街少年媳妇的眼泪戏说乾隆侠义见青天萧十一郎小宝传奇小宝与康熙协奏曲写意人生心花放心的泪光新包青天新不了情新好男人新好男人(SNAG)新蜀蜀山剑侠传星苹

2. 香肠:Schooner:比Midi大通常用于盛啤酒,也用于盛软饮 | Snag:香肠 | Sneakers:运动跑鞋

3. (尖利突出物,抽丝)潜在的困难:18. quota 定量,配额,限额 | 19. snag (尖利突出物,抽丝)潜在的困难 | 20. heterogeneous 由不同种类组成的

4. 意外障碍:snag 清除障碍物 | snag 意外障碍 | snag 残干

5. snag:school nutrition action group; 复合式策略运用四

snag 词典解释

1. 小困难;小问题;不利条件
    A snag is a small problem or disadvantage.

    e.g. A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars...
    e.g. The school deals exclusively with children of high academic ability. There is a snag though, it costs £9,600 a year.
           这所学校只招收学习能力强的孩子,不过还有个小问题——它每年的学费高达 9,600 英镑。

2. snag的翻译

2. (把)(尤指衣物)钩破;(使)绊住
    If you snag part of your clothing on a sharp or rough object or if it snags, it gets caught on the object and tears.

    e.g. She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground...
    e.g. Brambles snagged his suit...

snag 单语例句

1. Theatregoers routinely line up along Central Park West a day ahead of time, in order to be the first in line to snag free tickets.

2. snag在线翻译

2. It will be disappointing if the new report hits a snag mainly because of local governments'failure to commit themselves to meeting their green targets.

3. snag的意思

3. They have seen him charge around the bases and soar to snag fly balls that seemed destined to fall.

4. This is compounded by the fact that two hours after the snag, citizens were not informed of such malfunction.

5. Peace talks between the two rivals hit a snag in 2010 due to Israel's expansion of settlements in the West Bank.

6. If the latest snag was to be judged, the current subway management team has fallen short of what passengers have expected of it.

7. snag什么意思

7. A launch attempt late last month was foiled by an electrical snag aboard Endeavour.

8. Preliminary negotiations for a possible deal hit a snag in 2004 after the two economic powerhouses failed to narrow their differences.

9. The league and the union talked until 1 am on Thursday before negotiations hit a snag.

10. The discussions on forming a single team also hit a snag on the selection criteria.

snag 英英释义


1. an unforeseen obstacle

    Synonym: hang-up hitch rub

2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart

    e.g. there was a rip in his pants
           she had snags in her stockings

    Synonym: rip rent split tear

3. a dead tree that is still standing, usually in an undisturbed forest

    e.g. a snag can provide food and a habitat for insects and birds

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. a sharp protuberance



1. hew jaggedly

2. catch on a snag

    e.g. I snagged my stocking

3. snag的意思

3. get by acting quickly and smartly

    e.g. snag a bargain