
snapper [ˈsnæpə(r)]  [ˈsnæpɚ] 


第三人称复数:snappers; snapper

snapper 基本解释


名词甲鱼; 揿钮; 咬人的狗; 暴躁的人

snapper 网络解释

1. 甲鱼:通过箱网饲养, 越南发展了多种养殖业, 如养殖斑节虾(scampi), 鲶鱼(basa)(这是catfish鲶鱼的一个品种), 甲鱼(snapper), garupa, 军曹鱼(cobia)和遮目鱼(milk fish)等.

2. 鲷鱼:在晨曦初起,天色微亮时,静待在海床上,望著上方数百万只鲷鱼(snapper),因为交配而释放出满天的雪花,静静的往下飘;海平面在加勒比海的暖风撩拨之下,卷起了层层的浪花,阳光由海面洒落,金光闪闪!

3. 棘鬣鱼:我们各要了一客鲑鱼(salmon)与棘鬣鱼(snapper)晚餐. 加上澳洲红酒,法国面包. 我要了餐前芦笋(asparagus)浓汤,小惜则要了雪糕甜点. 最后加上一杯Expresso咖啡. 那一餐大概用了两个小时半,八点到十点半. 之后我们就到酒吧闲聊,

4. 笛鲷:不愧为保护区,短短的几分钟内看到的蝴蝶鱼(BUTTERFLY FISH)、神仙鱼(ANGEL FISH)、河豚鱼(PUFFERFISH)以及笛鲷(SNAPPER)已经超过以前看过的总和. 偶然低头,看见脚下一米多长的金枪鱼(TUNA)们正玩着游戏,头尾相接转圈转得不亦乐乎,

snapper 词典解释

1. 笛鲷;红鳍笛鲷
    A snapper is a fish that has sharp teeth and lives in warm seas.

snapper 单语例句

1. snapper

1. Served with mixed vegetables and lemon rice, the crispy snapper skin masked the firm and luscious fillet.

2. The other French seaside flavor of the night is the red snapper tartare.


3. A school of hundreds of yellow snapper cruised slowly above me, only centimetres from my head.

4. The Westin Bund Center Shanghai invites guests to taste the distinct flavors of barramundi, blue fin tuna and red emperor snapper from Australia until July 20.

5. Holidaying in Hamilton Island was a relaxed affair for Mischa Barton, until a snapper caught the OC star sunbathing without her top on.

6. More popular fishes during the Chinese New Year are those that are less bony, such as the pomfret or snapper.

snapper 英英释义



1. large-headed turtle with powerful hooked jaws found in or near water
    prone to bite

    Synonym: common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina

2. any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters

3. Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots

    Synonym: Chrysophrys auratus

4. a party favor consisting of a paper roll (usually containing candy or a small favor) that pops when pulled at both ends

    Synonym: cracker cracker bonbon

5. snapper

5. flesh of any of various important food fishes of warm seas

6. (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback

    e.g. the center fumbled the handoff

    Synonym: center