
sneer [snɪə(r)]  [snɪr] 





sneer 基本解释


名词嘲笑,冷笑; 讥笑的表情(言语)

sneer 相关例句



1. She sneered her contempt for his reply.


1. I felt that every woman here sneers at me.

2. James sneered at my old bicycle. He has a new one.

sneer 网络解释


1. 冷笑:师兄弟们在一起玩耍,大家叫孙悟空表演(act)七十二变化,孙悟空一高兴就同意了,孙悟空念动咒语,将身子(body)一摇,变成了一瓶大啤酒(beer),然后又变成一只梅花鹿(deer)在那儿冷笑(sneer),紧接着他手臂(a

2. 蔑视:拓荒者(pioneer)蔑视(sneer)权贵(peer)和奸商(profiteer),志愿(volunteer)为工程师(engineer)掌舵(steer). 再如记忆Nepal(尼泊尔)这个词,一个比较浪漫又诙谐的方法是记忆下面这个句子中每个词的首字母:Never Ever Part As Lovers.(恋人永不分离)

3. 讥笑:they gibed at his singing . 他们嘲笑他的歌声. | 27、 sneer--讥笑 | the proposal was sneered down . 那建议遭到人们的讥笑.

4. 嘲笑:sneak#潜行 | sneer#嘲笑 | sniff#以鼻吸气

sneer 词典解释

1. 讥笑;嘲笑;讥讽
    If you sneer at someone or something, you express your contempt for them by the expression on your face or by what you say.

    e.g. There is too great a readiness to sneer at anything the Opposition does...
    e.g. If you go to a club and you don't look right, you're sneered at...

sneer 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. People with a little sense will sneer at this argument, as it is impossible to persuade a gambling addict to gamble sensibly.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Those of us from the generation of the book inevitably sneer at and fear MySpace, where teenagers think nothing of recording their late period alongside their favorite band.

3. That does not take into account the ridicule and sneer they have to endure from snobbish peers.

4. sneer什么意思

4. She spits out her words with a sneer, then switches back to English.

5. And her fans would sneer at any adaptation they think stains the name of the writer.

6. That sneer on his face was like an American wrestler selling himself before a fake fight.

7. She asked the man to return her phone but got only a sneer in response.

8. Ask any serious member of any of China's mushrooming car clubs about automatic transmissions and they will sneer in contempt.

9. Be it praise or sneer, people are better off not reading too much into such babbling anyway.

sneer 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. a facial expression of contempt or scorn
    the upper lip curls

    Synonym: leer


2. a contemptuous or scornful remark


1. smile contemptuously

    e.g. she sneered at her little sister's efforts to play the song on the piano

2. express through a scornful smile

    e.g. she sneered her contempt