
snob [snɒb]  [snɑ:b] 


snob 基本解释


名词势利小人,势利眼; 附庸风雅之徒,假内行

snob 网络解释


1. 势利小人:仍有少数势利小人(snob)存在. 摄影时把自己黑色古董车(classic car) 借我的女士,是相当有魅力(charming)的人,至今仍留有印象.

2. 势利:从英语方面,势利(snob)这个词出现在十九世界初期,大概和牛津、剑桥的学生有关. 那个时候,这两个大学为了区分贵族学生和平民学生,在学生名册上的普通家庭出身的 ...

3. 势利的人:sniveller 啜泣的人 | snob 势利的人 | snobbery 势利

snob 词典解释

1. 势利小人
    If you call someone a snob, you disapprove of them because they admire upper-class people and have a low opinion of lower-class people.

    e.g. Going to a private school had made her a snob...
    e.g. Kenneth is an arrogant, rude, social snob.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 自以为(在智力或品位方面)高人一等的人
    If you call someone a snob, you disapprove of them because they behave as if they are superior to other people because of their intelligence or taste.

    e.g. She was an intellectual snob.
    e.g. ...a first class food snob.

snob 英英释义


1. a person regarded as arrogant and annoying

    Synonym: prig snot snoot