snuff out

snuff out [snʌf aut]  [snʌf aʊt] 

snuff out 基本解释

snuff out的翻译

动词扼杀,消灭,死掉; 杀; 消灭( 某人); 熄灭(火焰); 突然结束

snuff out 网络解释

1. 扼杀, 消灭, 死掉:kidskin 小山羊皮 | snuff out 扼杀, 消灭, 死掉 | grey matter (中枢神经系统的)灰质, 灰白质 [口]头脑

2. 扼杀:snuff color 黄褐色 | snuff out 扼杀 | snuff 灯花

3. 除灭:161Skulking Fugitive隐匿的逃犯MM | 162Snuff Out除灭MM | 163Soul Channeling灵魂注入MM

4. 消灭或结束某事物:scholar 学者 | snuff out 消灭或结束某事物 | contention 争辩,争论

snuff out 词典解释

1. 消灭,消除(分歧等)
    To snuff out something such as a disagreement means to stop it, usually in a forceful or sudden way.

    e.g. Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out...
    e.g. The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery.

2. (用手)掐灭;(用物件)弄熄
    If you snuff out a small flame, you stop it burning, usually by using your fingers or by covering it with something for a few seconds.

    e.g. Tenzin snuffed out the candle.

3. snuff out

3. 谋杀;干掉
    If someone snuffs out someone else, they kill them.

    e.g. A bullet meant for Riley snuffs out a passing gangster...
    e.g. You've got the power. You can do anything you want. You can snuff him out or not.

snuff out 单语例句

1. Individuals who smoke in banned areas will face a fine from 50 to 200 yuan if they do not agree to snuff the cigarette out.

2. An ill wind threatens to snuff out the flame of development and prosperity spawned by a liberal international trading regime.

3. snuff out的解释

3. Big monopolies like microsoft only serve to snuff out the ingenuity of the free market!


4. The CSIA has also warned that Linux developers are facing increasing risks of patent lawsuits, which could potentially snuff out Linux.

snuff out 英英释义


1. snuff out的解释

1. put an end to

    e.g. The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children

    Synonym: extinguish

2. put out, as of fires, flames, or lights

    e.g. Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained
           quench the flames
           snuff out the candles

    Synonym: blow out extinguish quench