
soaking [ˈsəʊkɪŋ]  [ˈsoʊkɪŋ] 



soaking 基本解释

动词浸,浸湿(soak的现在分词); 吸收,吸入

形容词湿透的; 浸透的



soaking 网络解释

1. 浸泡:以PALL的自动逆洗系统来说,滤心并不会受到PARTICLE多寡的影响,但是塔底油中所含有的焦油物质,如柏油质(asphaltenes)确是会造成滤心快速堵塞的问题之一,所以浸泡(SOAKING)才会变成逆洗的标准程序之一.

2. 浸渍:许多退火製程包括三个阶段:(1)加热到想要的温度;(2)保持或浸渍(soaking)在此温度;和(3)冷却过程,通常是到室温. FluidForm成型过程中压缩车管的强大压力,使得铝合金分子更紧结成高密度的结构,更能防止裂痕的问题.

3. 浸热:(1) 浸热(Soaking),均质化处理(homogenizing)预热-使铸块组织均质化而长时间加热处理. (2) 再热(reheating)热间加工,而加热处理. 当金属所受袜力超过其降伏强度时,即发生塑性变形,从内部微结构的观点来看,

4. 均热:SCOPE21的关键技术体现在煤预热、热煤的管道运输和装炉以及焦炭成熟后的均热(Soaking)提高强度等方面. 在欧盟支持下,48家钢铁企业于2004年组成一个共同体,启动了超低C02炼钢(ULCOS)项目,行动方案有14个分方案. 整个行动方案的时间需15-20年.

soaking 词典解释

1. 湿透的;湿淋淋的
    If something is soaking or soaking wet, it is very wet.

    e.g. My face and raincoat were soaking wet.

soaking 单语例句

1. Wetlands act as giant sponges, soaking up rainfall and slowly releasing it over time.

2. Without tanning beds, soaking up the rays was limited to clear days in the summer.


3. With growing numbers of Beijingers consuming the delectable nectar known locally as " grape wine ", domestic products are also soaking up the benefits of a flourishing industry.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Start the countdown by taking the cake out and soaking it with a good orange liqueur like Cointreau.

5. You can peel without soaking as they will absorb the water, or wipe several times with a clean damp cloth.

6. Soaking in the coffee pool is said to help keep people fit and healthy, expel fatigue and promote blood circulation.

7. Fiber acts like a sponge in the stomach, soaking up liquids and whisking them out of the body to smooth your tummy.

8. soaking什么意思

8. Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub, ideal for soaking up South China Sea views.

9. Few of the earthquake survivors who have spent nearly 10 months alternately baking and soaking under plastic tarps and tents have anywhere to go.

10. Secondly, one's skin feels smooth and slippery after soaking in real hot spring water.

soaking 英英释义


1. washing something by allowing it to soak

    Synonym: soak

2. the act of making something completely wet

    e.g. he gave it a good drenching

    Synonym: drenching souse sousing

3. soaking的翻译

3. the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)

    e.g. a good soak put life back in the wagon

    Synonym: soak soakage


1. soaking的近义词

1. extremely wet

    e.g. dripping wet
           soaking wet

    Synonym: sopping dripping