
sober [ˈsəʊbə(r)]  [ˈsoʊbə(r)] 








sober 基本解释


形容词头脑清醒的,冷静的; 未醉的,没喝醉的; 有节制的; 朴素的,素净的

及物/不及物动词(使)冷静,(使)清醒; 使严肃

sober 同义词


形容词moderate reasonable calm sound sensible temperate mild

动词sober up

sober 反义词



sober 相关词组


1. as sober as a judge : 象法官一样严肃认真;

sober 网络解释


1. 严谨、沉着的:有組織的organized | 嚴謹、沉著的sober | 盡責的conscientious

2. 冷静的:sopping 湿透的 | sober 冷静的 | sob 啜泣

3. 清醒的:somber:阴郁的 | sober:清醒的 | soporific:催眠的

4. sober:sociedade brasileira de economistas rurais; 巴西农村经济学家协会

sober 词典解释

1. 清醒的;没喝醉的
    When you are sober, you are not drunk.

    e.g. When Dad was sober he was a good father.

2. 严肃的;审慎的;头脑清醒的
    A sober person is serious and thoughtful.

    e.g. We are now far more sober and realistic...
    e.g. It was a room filled with sad, sober faces...

'There's a new development,' he said soberly.

3. (颜色、衣服)素淡的,素净的,古板的
    Sober colours and clothes are plain and rather dull.

    e.g. He dresses in sober grey suits.
    e.g. ...sober-suited middle-aged men.

She saw Ellis, soberly dressed in a well-cut dark suit.

4. see also: sobering

5. stone-cold sober -> see stone-cold

相关词组:sober up

sober 单语例句

1. Sheen maintains he's clean and sober and there's nothing in his private life that would trigger a " default " under his contract.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. " But we like meat on a stick, " comes the only sober cry from the back.

3. We should keep a sober mind and not fall into the trap of our enemies.

4. Keeping a sober mind during these times of economic gloom does not necessarily mean a person or government is being pessimistic.

5. They have been published in the book The Sober Head In the Crisis.

6. Lauren Conrad's former boyfriend has reached out to make amends with her after getting sober.

7. Luo had a sober style of delivering news, but that did not impair his professionalism.

8. sober是什么意思

8. Zha said she is not in full agreement with Chen either, but she likes Chen's sober attitude.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Friends have previously credited Ronnie's relationship with Ana as helping him stay sober and even predicted the pair will marry.

10. Hu's report reveals the CPC's sober analysis of the current situations at home and abroad and its broad vision for China's development in the future.

sober 英英释义



1. become sober after excessive alcohol consumption

    e.g. Keep him in bed until he sobers up

    Synonym: sober up

2. sober

2. become more realistic

    e.g. After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up

    Synonym: sober up

3. cause to become sober

    e.g. A sobering thought


1. lacking brightness or color

    e.g. drab faded curtains
           sober Puritan grey
           children in somber brown clothes

    Synonym: drab somber sombre

2. sober的翻译

2. not affected by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)

3. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises

    e.g. a grave God-fearing man
           a quiet sedate nature
           as sober as a judge
           a solemn promise
           the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence

    Synonym: grave sedate solemn

4. completely lacking in playfulness

    Synonym: unplayful serious