
sock [sɒk]  [sɑ:k] 






sock 基本解释

名词短袜; (尤指用拳头)猛击,重击

及物动词重击; 给…穿袜

sock 相关例句


1. I hit him sock in the nose.


1. He is trying to sock a little money away.

2. Much of the country was socked by harsh weather.


1. He was five feet in his socks.

2. I gave him a sock on the jaw.

sock 网络解释

1. 短袜:[采购项目]加拿大商人求购浙江省诸暨市及上海附近地区的短袜(sock)供应商加拿大商人求购浙江省诸暨市及上海附近地区的短袜(sock)供应商

2. 袜子:袜子(sock)和弹簧(spring)方面的国外采购信息放在这里,然后将你们所要找的产品的英文关键词贴上来,我就会回复.希望各位将绣花机(computerized embroidery machine), 袜子(sock)和弹簧(spring)方面的国外采购信息放在这里,

3. 短袜,<<纱可>>纱可织成短袜:smoke-吸烟,冒烟,-什么咳-为什么咳吸烟 | sock-短袜,<<纱可>>纱可织成短袜 | solid-固体<<洒了的>>固体是不会洒了的

4. 十三、零食:十二、甜点Sweet/215 | 十三、零食Sock/216 | 十四、中国小吃Chinese Snack/217

sock 词典解释

1. 短袜
    Socks are pieces of clothing which cover your foot and ankle and are worn inside shoes.

    e.g. ...a pair of knee-length socks.

2. 给…留下深刻印象;使…深受触动
    If someone socks it to another person, they do or say something that makes a great impression on them.

    e.g. Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em.

3. (叫某人)加把劲儿,好好努力,干得好一点
    If you tell someone to pull their socks up, you mean that they should start working or studying harder, because they have been lazy or careless.

    e.g. He needs to pull his socks up if he is to make a success of his career.

sock 单语例句

1. US sock producers also petitioned to the Bush administration to impose quotas on the imports of Chinese socks in late June.

2. The shoe has fewer seams for irritation and a thicker sock liner for comfort.

3. Jin says business for sock OEM companies this year is more difficult than in 2008.

4. While it looks similar to an aqua sock, this shoe will not stay on during aggressive water activities.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Sock said, review tallies of how much they spend on ice cream or shampoo.

6. sock的反义词

6. The Bush administration recently launches an investigation on sock imports from China, after US producers last month filed a petition under a specific safeguard.

7. When you put stuffing in the sock, it becomes a doll.

8. Jiang has shared his sock collection with roommates, who also desert socks after wearing them.

9. It will bring the separate socks, sock machines and sock transportation markets together in one big centre.

10. As a pillar industry of Datang, socks industry has made this town the world's biggest sock production base.

sock 英英释义


1. hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot
    worn inside the shoe
    reaches to between the ankle and the knee

2. a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast
    used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind

    Synonym: windsock wind sock air sock air-sleeve wind sleeve wind cone drogue


1. hit hard

    Synonym: bop whop whap bonk bash