sodium borate

sodium borate [ˈsəʊdi:əm ˈbɔ:reit]  [ˈsodiəm ˈbɔrˌet] 

sodium borate 基本解释

sodium borate


sodium borate 网络解释

1. 硼酸钠:其实硼砂(Borax)为硼酸钠(sodium borate)的俗称,因为毒性较高,世界各国多禁用为食品添加物,但大马民众尤其是华人,自古就习惯使用硼砂於食品,举凡年糕、油面、油条、鱼丸等,多用硼砂做为增加韧性、脆度以及改善食品保水性、保存性的添加物.

2. 硼砂,硼酸钠:sodium amalgam 钠汞合金,钠汞齐 | sodium borate 硼砂,硼酸钠 | sodium carbonate 碳酸钠

3. 硼酸钠,PH调节剂:Panthenol:维生素B5 | Sodium Borate:硼酸钠,PH调节剂 | Fragrance:香料

4. 硼砂:sodium bitionolate 硫双二氯酚钠 | sodium borate 硼砂 | sodium borohydride 硼氢化钠

sodium borate 单语例句

1. The pork was found to be tainted with " colorings " made of sodium borate, bean flour and other additives.

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2. But health authorities have banned it as a food additive, noting that 5 grams of sodium borate can kill a child.