soft water

soft water [sɔft ˈwɔ:tə]  [sɔft ˈwɔtɚ] 

soft water 基本解释


soft water 网络解释

1. 软水:--有多种冷却模式:一是可吹风降温,能保证带材表面光亮;二是可用软水(Soft Water)快冷,也可用硬水淬火(hard water-quench),从而可以生产航空级的2×××系及7×××系合金板带材;

2. 软水,去离子水:software 软件,软设备,程序设备 | soft water 软水,去离子水 | soiled dressing pail 污敷料桶

3. 软化水:soft-ware 软件 | soft water 软化水 | soft white shavings 轻施胶白纸边

4. 软水,不含矿物盐类而易溶解肥皂的水:soft goods 毛织品 | soft water 软水,不含矿物盐类而易溶解肥皂的水 | hard blow 沉重的打击

soft water 单语例句

1. The long coastline to its south has soft sand and sea water of moderate salinity, making it an excellent place to sunbathe and swim.

2. Granite hills and granite forests formed by erosion and weathering along the riverside are a direct contrast with the soft water views.

3. A report released by the World Health Organization in 2006 said drinking soft and purified water over just several weeks could damage a body.

4. soft water的翻译

4. Hidden within the dusty and unmarked streets of Songzhuang village by the Sixth Ring Road is an oasis of cool green water and soft lilies.

5. The mountains'clear reflection in water rippling in a soft breeze adds to the enchantment of the scene.

6. Apart from the speed, the big soft chair and free mineral water made the journey comfortable and relaxed.

7. If rocks are hard and water is soft, the possibilities they create when interacting with each other are limitless.

8. soft water的反义词

8. Bring the flour into the center of the bowl with outstretched fingers, slowly add enough water to make a soft dough.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The soft surrounding rocks are fractured, suffer from serious weathering and have high water permeability.


10. The most beautiful soft rime is found along the Songhua River in downtown Jilin city because water in the section rarely freezes throughout the winter.

soft water 英英释义

soft water


1. soft water

1. water that is not hard (does not contain mineral salts that interfere with the formation of lather with soap)