
soil [sɔɪl]  [sɔɪl] 








soil 基本解释

名词泥土; 土地,国土; 滋生地,温床; 粪尿,肥料

及物动词弄脏,污辱; 给…上粪(施肥); 被弄脏,变脏; 用青草饲料喂养(牲口)

不及物动词变脏、受污染或玷污的; 变脏

soil 相关例句


1. Her slanderous words soiled his reputation.


1. The soil in that county is very poor.

2. He died on British soil.

3. Some soils are not suitable for farming.

soil 网络解释

1. 土:路通公司长期以来专注于交通领域智能系统的开发,现与英国岩土(SOIL)仪器公司在边坡、大坝、...深圳市鑫达润滑油有限公司是深圳地区一家较早从事以工业润滑油销售为主的专业润滑油公司,

2. soil:structure of liability; 结构

soil 词典解释

1. 土壤;土地
    Soil is the substance on the surface of the earth in which plants grow.

    e.g. We have the most fertile soil in Europe.
    e.g. ...regions with sandy soils.

2. 国土;领土
    You can use soil in expressions like British soil to refer to a country's territory.

    e.g. The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one.


3. 弄脏;玷污
    If you soil something, you make it dirty.

    e.g. Young people don't want to do things that soil their hands...
    e.g. He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him.

...a soiled white apron.
soil 单语例句

1. Rosberg's third position was the German's best showing since China in April and deprived Button of his first podium finish on home soil.

2. The path to success has been strewn with obstacles, learning by trial and error to overcome the local peculiarities of climate and soil.

3. Experts from the center said rice mainly absorbs the cadmium from the polluted soil.

4. The schism between city and village under capitalism due to the separation of the masses from the soil is one manifestation of this metabolic rift.

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5. Both programs also have important global implications because they increase vegetative cover, enhance carbon sequestration and reduce dust to other countries by controlling soil erosion.

6. Talks broke down when Iran insisted uranium enrichment had to be carried out on its soil.

7. The authorities are in the process of carrying out a nationwide soil pollution survey that began in 2006 and is expected to finish this year.

8. Carter was persuaded to make his first indoor appearance on British soil after relishing his inaugural outdoor race at the London Grand Prix in July.

9. Experts say that solving the social problems in Russia's Caucasian region is crucial for eliminating terrorism from its soil.

10. Night blooming cereus is a climbing plant and normally sets root in soil.

soil 英英释义



1. the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state

    e.g. American troops were stationed on Japanese soil

    Synonym: territory

2. soil的翻译

2. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)

    e.g. the land had never been plowed
           good agricultural soil

    Synonym: land ground

3. the state of being covered with unclean things

    Synonym: dirt filth grime stain grease grunge

4. the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock

    Synonym: dirt


1. make soiled, filthy, or dirty

    e.g. don't soil your clothes when you play outside!

    Synonym: dirty begrime grime colly bemire