solar day

solar day [ˈsəulə dei]  [ˈsolɚ de] 

solar day 基本解释
solar day 网络解释

solar day的解释

1. 太阳日:故金星的太阳日(solar day)长度为117天. 金星有密度相当高的大气层,其中96%为二氧化碳,3.5%为氮气,剩下为水、硫酸、盐酸及氢氟酸. 大量的二氧化碳带来严重的温室效应,令金星成为全太阳最热的行星,温度达753K,即摄氏480度.

2. 晴天:Smehoh 流转 | Solar Day 晴天 | Solure 休里尔

3. 太阳日[天]:solar constant 太阳常数[天] | solar day 太阳日[天] | solar eclipse 日蚀[天]

4. [天]太阳日:solar battery 太阳电池 | solar day [天]太阳日 | solar eclipse [天]日食

solar day 单语例句

1. solar day

1. Valentine's Day is set on February 14 on the solar calendar, whereas Chinese New Year falls on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar.

2. While the country is getting ever enthusiastic over next Wednesday's solar eclipse, those hoping to glimpse the event may find the weather dampening their day.

3. solar day在线翻译

3. About a dozen workers on one shift produce 55 solar panels a day.

4. solar day

4. The tiled roofs might give an impression of ancient China, but the solar panels resting on them quickly bring visitors back to present day.

5. It is charged during the day through solar power, which provides enough energy to light the lamp when it is dark.

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6. Many parts of China experienced a partial solar eclipse on that day, lasting around one and a half hours.

7. solar day的反义词

7. LDK Solar saw a 25 percent share price jump the day after its new funding source.

solar day 英英释义

solar day


1. time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis

    e.g. two days later they left
           they put on two performances every day
           there are 30,000 passengers per day

    Synonym: day twenty-four hours twenty-four hour period 24-hour interval mean solar day