solar radiation

solar radiation [ˈsəulə ˌreidiˈeiʃən]  [ˈsolɚ ˌrediˈeʃən] 

solar radiation 基本解释


solar radiation 网络解释

1. 太阳辐射:太阳辐射(solar radiation)是地球的能量源泉,太阳作为巨大而炽热的气体星球,源源不断地以电磁波形式向宇宙空间放射能量,称为太阳辐射. 太阳辐射中仅极少部分(约二十亿分之一)到达地球,但却是地球最主要的能量源泉. 太阳每分钟向地球输送的能量,

2. 太阳幅射:环绕地球的大气层(atmosphere)非常的薄,但人类却有当太阳幅射(solar radiation)以光波穿越大气层,为地球购买高效能源比值(EER)的加电用品及灯泡

3. 光照:加热器:the heater | 光照:solar radiation | 光谱:solar spectrum

4. 阳光照射:solar furnace太阳炉 | solar radiation阳光照射 | solar ulatraviolet radiation阳光紫外线照射

solar radiation 单语例句

1. The new satellite has better access to data of other types like oceanic, meteorologic and hydrological information and monitor changes of the solar and space particle radiation.

2. solar radiation

2. Transforming that solar radiation into a form to be exploited by humanity is difficult, however.

3. Photovoltaic is a method of generating electric power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity by using semiconductors.

4. PV power generation is a means of generating electrical power by converting solar radiation into direct current electricity using semiconductors.

5. The observatory will measure fluctuations in the amount of ultraviolet radiation emitted from the sun, map solar magnetic fields and even peek beneath the sun's surface.

6. Open ocean water absorbs about 80 percent more solar radiation than sea ice does.

7. It has thin air, long hours of sunshine and intense solar radiation.


8. Photovoltaics or PVs are arrays of cells containing a solar photovoltaic material that converts solar radiation into electricity.

solar radiation 英英释义


1. radiation from the sun