son of a gun

son of a gun [sʌn ɔv ə ɡʌn]  [sʌn ʌv e ɡʌn] 

son of a gun 基本解释
son of a gun 相关例句



1. Hey, Bill, you old son of a gun! How are you?

2. That son of a gun tried to pick up my girlfriend.

3. Son of a gun, I didn't bring enough money along.

son of a gun 网络解释

1. 王八蛋, 讨厌之事:field border planting 田边种植 | son of a gun 王八蛋, 讨厌之事 | ellipsoidal 椭圆体的

2. 王八蛋:son and heir 子嗣 | son of a gun 王八蛋 | son of God 耶稣基督

3. 哇:me oh my-oh, 我的老天. | Son-of-a-gun, 哇, | we\'ll have big fun on the bayou. 在密西西比河我们会很快活.

4. 笨蛋:son of a ** 混蛋 | son of a gun 笨蛋 | a square peg in a round hole 不合群的,不合适的