1. 旋律美妙的:songfest 民谣歌唱大会 | songful 旋律美妙的 | songless 没有歌的
2. 好听的:songfest /民谣歌唱大会/ | songful /好听的/ | songless /没有歌的/不歌唱的/
3. 旋律美妙的; 音调优美的 (形):songfest 民谣歌唱大会 (名) | songful 旋律美妙的; 音调优美的 (形) | songster 歌手, 诗人, 作曲者 (名)
1. When in the morning you open your eyes, I shall leave you to a world a-hum with bees, and songful with birds.
2. Grubby is a literary-talented boy, and I cann't find that article now. by this article, I know PPG has such a songful name called:Cassandra and they have such a finer feelings, I was really moved by their love.
3. Marked tranquillo and expressive is a songful tune filled with romantic longing.
1. richly melodious
Synonym: canorous