
sopor ['səʊpə]  ['soʊpə] 

sopor 基本解释


sopor 网络解释

1. 昏睡:意识障碍的分类各家不完全一致,多认为由轻到重作如下描述:无欲状(apathy)、嗜睡(somnolence)、朦胧(confusion)、昏睡(sopor)、半昏迷(semicoma)、昏迷(coma)等.

2. 迷睡:sophomania 大智妄想 | sopor 迷睡 | soporiferous 催眠药

3. 酣睡:sopite /使入睡/解决/ | sopor /酣睡/ | soporiferous /催眠的/欲睡的/

4. 酣睡 迷睡:sophoroside 槐糖甙 | sopor 酣睡 迷睡 | soporific 催眠的 催眠药 安眠的 安眠药

sopor 双语例句


1. At this time, people stroll have wind to be quilt and look the sound of surf to be pillow to sopor.
    在这次,人闲逛有风是棉被并且看海浪的声音是对 sopor 的枕头。


2. The brain is in situation that sopor and disability know outside the body, but the mind is between clearly and vaguely.


3. There was no obvious side effect in NZTP group, While 8 cases were accompanied by sopor and hypodynamia in amitriptyline group.

4. What does Sopor Aeternus mean to you?
    Sopor Aeternus 对你意味著什麼呢?


5. Or should Sopor Aeternus be seen exactly as a scapegoat for those negative vibes in your life?
    或者,Sopor Aeternus 就是应当被视为你生活中消极情感的一个替罪羊?

6. Does this sort of stuff has a place in your life outside your work with Sopor Aeternus or is it solely the concept you've chosen for this project?


7. Sopor Aeternus are with no doubt one of the most enigmatic acts in the German Goth/Dark Wave scene these days.
    这些天来,Sopor Aeternus 无疑是德国哥特/暗潮圈内最神秘莫测的乐队。


8. Continuing as the sole human performer in Sopor Aeternus, Varney also credits the Ensemble of Shadows for her inspirations.
    Sopor Aeternus,德语,意为永恒沉睡或死亡沉睡,又指那些徘徊在地狱大门外,没接引收留的孤魂野鬼。


9. Shave, if you love me Sopor Aeternus

10. Bitter Sweet - Sopor Aeternus.

sopor 英英释义



1. a torpid state resembling deep sleep

    Synonym: sleep