
sorted ['sɔ:tɪd]  ['sɔ:rtɪd] 







sorted 基本解释
分类的,分选的;分类,整理( sort的过去式和过去分词 );挑选;把…分类;把…归类(常与with, together连用);
sorted 网络解释

1. 属性 是否允许排序:smallchange 属性 最小改变值 | sorted 属性 是否允许排序 | sqr 函数 平方函数

2. 分类:Subscriptions :订阅;签名;捐助 | Sorted :分类 | softwareexport:软件出口

3. 指定列表框中项目击者是否按字母顺序排序:SELECTED 指示某个项目是否被选取 | SORTED 指定列表框中项目击者是否按字母顺序排序 | STYLE 指示列表框显示模式

4. 属性 是否答应排序:smallchange 属性 最小改变值 | sorted 属性 是否答应排序 | sqr 函数 平方函数 字串4

sorted 单语例句

1. The rest of the passengers are then brought in as three groups, sorted in an attempt to spread them out more evenly through the cabin.

2. The trash is often privately sorted and treated by individuals and households using various clandestine methods not considered environmentally friendly.

3. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton suggested Obama's decisions will come after the election in Afghanistan is sorted out.

4. The crux of the question lies in the fact that relationships concerning oil price have yet to be sorted out.

5. But Chinese junk dealers say shipments normally dock at Nanhai port in Guangdong, are sorted in warehouses and then trucked to villages around Guiyu in Chaoyang county.

6. For example in the following short dialogue between William and Yang Li the word sorted propped up four times.

7. Jing dumps his vehicle's garbage at a waste processing facility there, where it is sorted into what is suitable for landfill and what can be recycled.

8. Waste sorted out for recycling - is mixed with the rest of the garbage in the cart.

9. Giant tractors and dump trucks cleared roads and sorted debris into giant piles.

10. An academic agreed with Loh, saying an incinerator is helpful as long as garbage is sorted properly before being incinerated.

sorted 英英释义


1. arranged into groups

    Synonym: grouped

2. sorted

2. arranged according to size