sound out

sound out [saund aut]  [saʊnd aʊt] 

sound out 基本解释

试探意见,探听口气; 摸底细

sound out 相关例句



1. Have you sounded him out yet?

2. He sounded out his father on the idea of marrying Jane.

sound out 网络解释

1. 试探:Check on 盘查,检查 | Sound out 试探 | Put on two more guys 增加两个人手

2. 试探,探询:sort out 整理; 弄清楚,解决 | 621. sound ... out 试探,探询 | 622. space out 把...间隔开

sound out 词典解释

1. 试探,探询(…的意见)
    If you sound someone out, you question them in order to find out what their opinion is about something.

    e.g. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict...
    e.g. Sound him out gradually. Make sure it is what he really wants.

sound out 单语例句

1. Recorded in 1932 at a music conference in Cairo, much of the sound was hard to make out or erased entirely.

2. Liu said the SOA will work out a sound oceanic ecological appraisal system nationwide and actively promote compensation for damage to oceanic zoology.

3. It should serve to remind us that only by mapping out sound rules on charity can our love be effectively and continuously passed on.

4. The honorary titles may sound a little strange to our increasingly cynical ears, but these designated moral models stand out.

5. The sound of gunfire and explosions from fighting between Hamas and Fatah rang out for the sixth straight day in Gaza.

6. The space is still sprawling, and the powerful sound system still churns out deafening dance music.

7. While initial public offerings " draw money out of the market and depress prices, it doesn't mean that the company or economy is not fundamentally sound ".

8. sound out什么意思

8. The moment the " bang " sound from the dustbin out, passengers ran away with fears.

9. He said if the regions around Beijing have a sound economic base, labourers will move out of the city.

10. sound out在线翻译

10. No offense to the Hungarian women's handball team but lashing out a couple thousand yuan to watch them play is economically sound for me.

sound out 英英释义



1. try to learn someone's opinions and intentions

    e.g. I have to sound out the new professor

    Synonym: check out feel out

2. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way

    e.g. She pronounces French words in a funny way
           I cannot say `zip wire'
           Can the child sound out this complicated word?

    Synonym: pronounce articulate enounce enunciate say