
southeastern [saʊθ'i:stən]  [ˌsaʊθ'i:stən] 

southeastern 基本解释




southeastern 相关例句


1. We were staying in southeastern Kansas.

southeastern 网络解释


1. 东南:英国东南(Southeastern)列车运营公司将这种高速列车投入到1994年开通的英吉利海峡隧道铁路线上运行,用于连接英国和法国. 列车由日本日立制造,并运往英国用于其国内高速客运服务. 它们是英国最快的客运服务列车,运行的最高时速高达每小时225公里.

2. 东南方的:southeasterly 往东南的 | southeastern 东南方的 | southeastward 往东南

3. 东南的:southeasterly 偏东南 | southeastern 东南的 | souther 南强风

4. 东南方的;来自东南的:determined 坚决的;有决心的 (3) | southeastern 东南方的;来自东南的 (2) | northwestern 西北方的;来自西北的 (2)

southeastern 单语例句

1. Most of the competing provinces are located in China's southeastern seaside, where foreign trade is very active.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The proposed waterway would capitalize on Serbia's strategic location at the crossroads of central and southeastern Europe.

3. But its southern and southeastern parts have received less rainfall, offering little respite to the region plagued by the worst drought in a century.

4. It was made of Shoushan stone in southeastern China's Fujian Province.

5. He said the truck were carrying some day labors and construction materials from southeastern port city of Chittagong to northwestern Bogra district town.

6. " Recycled books may carry harmful germs from previous users, " contended a father in southeastern Fuzhou City.

7. southeastern

7. Thousands more crowded the downtown plaza in Cochabamba, in southeastern Bolivia.

8. Other measures include relocating some heavy polluters - such as coking plants in southeastern suburbs - out of the city area.

9. southeastern的近义词

9. None of the 175 seasonal laborers who normally work Mike Collins'500 acres of Vidalia onion fields in southeastern Georgia showed up.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. It maintains it is trying to stop fighters from crossing into Iraq but cannot completely control its long border with its southeastern neighbor.

southeastern 英英释义


1. southeastern的翻译

1. of a region of the United States generally including Alabama
    South Carolina
    North Carolina

2. southeastern是什么意思

2. situated in or oriented toward the southeast

    Synonym: southeast southeasterly