
southwesterly [saʊθ'westəlɪ]  [saʊθˈwɛstəlɪ] 

southwesterly 基本解释

形容词往西南的; 来自西南的

southwesterly 网络解释

1. 往西南的:southwester 西南风 | southwesterly 往西南的 | southwestern 西南的

2. 偏西南西南的西南风:southwester 东南强风;大雨帽 | southwesterly 偏西南西南的西南风 | southwestern 西南的

3. 往西南:southwester 西南风 | southwesterly 往西南 | southwesterly 往西南的

4. 来自西南的:southwesterly 来自西南 | southwesterly 来自西南的 | southwestern 西南的

southwesterly 双语例句


1. Our journey took us seven days, with delays for fog, wind and a turbulent southwesterly airflow

2. The crew will sail the 99-foot yacht from New York Harbor to the most southwesterly point in Britain.


3. Another linear zone extends in a southwesterly direction from the region of most intense activity into northeastern Arkansas.


4. At Chen Chia the stream ran to the west and shortly afterwords turned a southwesterly direction.
    到了 Chen Chia 原本流向西边的溪流不久后就改向西南方去了。

5. The huge wave was 2initially spotted during big southwesterly swells by a lighthouse keeper in the late 1970s.

6. Strong southwesterly wind of l997~98 made the winter of Taiwan warmer and warm weather patterns stayed for a few months.


7. A further fifteen minutes'walk in a southwesterly direction, past the head of the Shaho Pass, and up the ridge on the further side, brought one to the Ruined Pagoda commonly called the Broken Pagoda (天池塔, belonging to Tien Chih Ssu (天池寺, Temple of the Heavenly Pond).

8. It`s found that the Meiyu front along YRB-ML is deep and wide in the first rainy phase. It separates the subtropical high-e air mass from the dry polar one, and the low- to mid-tropospheric southwesterly flows ascend along it.

9. Gemini includes two bright stars, named after the two twins, who correspond to the Dioscuri in Greek mythology - Castor, a pretty telescopic binary, and Pollux, which is brighter and more southwesterly.


10. Our journey took us seven days, with delays for fog, wind and a turbulent southwesterly airflow.

11. Southwesterly winds are the dominant meteorological parameter for this transport.

12. They were travelling in a southwesterly direction.

13. The ship held to a southwesterly course.


14. The southwesterly low level jet plays important roles in the frontogenesis process, these roles are: (1) northerly warm wet transportations in the low level jets;

15. The convergence of the southwesterly to the north of 30 ° N along the northwest of the WPSA strengthens the local ascending motion, which provides a large-scale background favorable for the torrential rain.


16. The numerical experiments of southwesterly formation over the Nansha sea area with the effects of terrain and heat perturbation

17. The Relationship between Southwesterly Low level Jet and Fast Southerly Movement Cold Front

18. The results by comparing them with the sounding data from Xisha station show that NCEP meridional winds, which play a main role in the trend of southwesterly over Xisha station, are in better agreement with the observations.


19. Energetic analysis of the southwesterly low - level jet stream


20. Almost all major budget terms peak their values in the upper tropospheric layer in which the high level southwesterly jet is located.

southwesterly 英英释义



1. situated in or oriented toward the southwest

    Synonym: southwest southwestern

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. coming from the southwest

    e.g. the winds are southwesterly

    Synonym: southwest