soya bean

soya bean [ˈsɔɪ bi:n]  [ˈsɔɪə bin]

第三人称复数:soya beans

soya bean 基本解释
soya bean 网络解释

1. 黄豆:近十年的很多医学报告,发现黄豆(soya bean)有一个副作用,就是降低男性荷尔蒙或激素和增加女性激素. 男性激素降低,对男性有很多害处,如提早衰老,减少肌肉,性能力降低等. 人也会变得比较温和和没冲劲. (和尚吃大豆比一般人多,

2. 大豆 (美作:soybean):lentil 小扁豆 | soya bean 大豆 (美作:soybean) | forage plants 饲料食物

3. 大豆:lentil小扁豆 | soya bean大豆 | forage plants饲料食物

4. 豆浆:Ice Lemon Tea 冰冻柠檬茶 | Soya Bean 豆浆 | Chinese Crueller 油条

soya bean 单语例句

1. No soya bean cargoes have arrived since March 20, when the rules took effect.

2. Holding bags of soya bean milk and fresh vegetables, one granny wanted to buy electricity.

3. A bureau investigation found the food poisoning was probably caused by soya milk and red bean cakes which the sufferers consumed for a snack.

4. China said yesterday it would prohibit the discharge of any foreign soya bean cargo until June 1 under new rules on genetically modified crops.

soya bean 英英释义


1. the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known
    the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein)

    Synonym: soy soybean soya


2. erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers
    extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds
    native to Asia

    Synonym: soy soya soybean soybean plant soja soja bean Glycine max

3. a source of oil
    used for forage and soil improvement and as food

    Synonym: soy soybean