
spacemen ['speɪsmen]  ['speɪsmen] 


spacemen 基本解释
太空船上的飞行员,宇宙人( spaceman的名词复数 );
spacemen 网络解释


1. <银河新家园>:Space Tower<<太空大楼>> | Spacemen<<银河新家园>> | Special Services Secret Files<<特种部队之秘密档案>>

spacemen 单语例句

1. The two spacemen came closer than any human being has come to a celestial body.

2. The spacemen added American helmet lights and handcuff checklists to the brand new Russian suits, for extra safety.

3. China has possessed the technical capacity to send spacemen to the moon in 15 years, a leading rocket expert said on Tuesday.

4. spacemen是什么意思

4. Huang also told Xinhua that China's goal to land spacemen on the moon can surely be achieved in 15 years.

5. spacemen在线翻译

5. The six spacemen now had moved to their special accommodation to be quarantined and to adjust their psychological conditions for the mission.