
spaceship [ˈspeɪsʃɪp]  [ˈspesˌʃɪp] 



spaceship 基本解释


spaceship 网络解释

1. 宇宙飞船:宇宙飞船(spaceship)是一种运送航天员,货物到达太空并安全返回的一次性使用的航天器. 它能基本保证航天员在太空短期生活并进行一定的工作. 它的运行时间一般是几天到半个月,一般乘2到3名航天员. 宇宙飞船的军事功用:侦察与监视地面目标;

2. 飞船:宇宙飞船(spaceship)是一种运送航天员,货物到达太空并安全返回的一次性使用的航天器. 它能基本保证航天员在太空短期生活并进行一定的工作. 它的运行时间一般是几天到半个月,一般乘2到3名航天员.

3. 火箭:bike 自行车 | spaceship 火箭 | plane 飞机

spaceship 词典解释

1. 宇宙飞船;载人航天器
    A spaceship is a spacecraft that carries people through space.

spaceship 单语例句


1. Time was drawing near to " zero hour " second by second, the distance between the spaceship and the ground was becoming shorter.

2. In 1992 China decided to send men into space, and Qi was named chief designer of the spaceship.

3. Yang said when the spaceship was circling the earth for the last time, he tried to observe more of the outside scene.

4. This is obvious in a laboratory or a closed system like a spaceship.

5. His task is to observe and record the conditions of the orbiting spaceship for the ground control centre.

6. He halted the countdown just an hour after the seven astronauts boarded the fueled spaceship.

7. spaceship

7. Like all of the handful of notable foam chunks that peeled away, it came off late enough in the launch to pose no danger to the spaceship.

8. WASHINGTON - A US aerospace company based in California on Wednesday unveiled a new suborbital spaceship with two seats for private space tourists.

9. Xie gave a detailed account of the return and landing of the spaceship.


10. One of the main purposes of her mission is to attempt the first docking manoeuvre with another spaceship.

spaceship 英英释义



1. a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space (especially in science fiction)

    Synonym: starship