speak out

speak out [spi:k aut]  [spik aʊt] 

speak out 基本解释


speak out 网络解释

speak out在线翻译

1. 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说:国歌 the national song | 大胆地说,清楚并响亮地说 speak out | 发言,演讲 make a speech

2. 毫不犹豫地说;畅所欲言:921. in space 在空间 | 922. speak out毫不犹豫地说;畅所欲言 | 923. speak up大点声说

3. 大胆地说:speak one's pieces 诉苦 | speak out 大胆地说 | speak the same language 说同样的语言

4. 大声讲;清楚地说:serf n. 农奴 | speak out 大声讲;清楚地说 | tenant n. 佃户;房客

speak out 词典解释

1. 公开表白;大胆说出
    If you speak out against something or in favour of something, you say publicly that you think it is bad or good.

    e.g. As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property...
    e.g. Viktor Shklovsky spoke out in defence of the book...

speak out 单语例句

1. For a second - before they speak - I imagine that nudge is coming from a wealthy businessman with money spilling out of his pockets.

2. The CE has thus encouraged his supporters to speak out and Lam stressed that people who hold opposite views should stay rational in expressing themselves.

3. The Palestinian ambassador stalked out of the council chamber when the Israeli ambassador began to speak.

4. Some " enlightened " minds speak out in this context and argue that the chaotic situation in Egypt is now a fight between dictatorial and democratic systems.

5. The man knows how to speak an international cinematic language, which also explains why he has fallen out of favor with the Oscar voters.

6. Clinton will pledge to continue to speak out on issues like health care.

7. She will pledge to continue to speak out on issues like health care.

8. Dina is not the first of Lindsay friends and family to speak out about their worries for her health.

9. They said he would not even speak when people asked questions or tried to draw him out.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Jackson appeared agitated when Bashir was on the stand, at one point putting out his arms as if to tell him to speak up.

speak out 英英释义


1. express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation

    e.g. John spoke up at the meeting

    Synonym: opine speak up animadvert sound off