speak up

speak up [spi:k ʌp]  [spik ʌp] 

speak up 基本解释

大声讲; 畅所欲言,清楚地表明看法

speak up 相关例句



1. She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs.

2. Uncle George spoke up in the prayer meeting.

speak up 网络解释

1. 大声说:speak for 代表...讲话;要求得到 | speak up 大声说 | speak volume for 充分说明

2. 讲出来:Social security:社会保障 | Speak up! :讲出来! | Special awards:特殊奖励

3. 大声点:254 Sounds terrible! 听起来好可怕! | 255 Speak up! 大声点! | 256 Stop smoking! 禁止抽烟.

4. 大声地说:speak to 说话 | speak up 大声地说 | speak volumes for 充分说明

speak up 词典解释

1. (尤指为某人辩护或抗议某事物)大胆地说,公开表态
    If you speak up, you say something, especially to defend a person or protest about something, rather than just saying nothing.

    e.g. Uncle Herbert never argued, never spoke up for himself...
    e.g. Don't be afraid of speaking up...

2. 大声说;提高嗓门
    If you ask someone to speak up, you are asking them to speak more loudly.

    e.g. I'm quite deaf — you'll have to speak up.

speak up 单语例句

1. You'll be under almost constant pressure unless you speak up soon.

2. Jackson appeared agitated when Bashir was on the stand, at one point putting out his arms as if to tell him to speak up.

3. Police didn't know whether Johnson was involved in the earlier altercation and asked witnesses to speak up.

4. speak up的翻译

4. Tom Kelly will speak at the Hutton inquiry to give his version of events leading up to David Kelly's suicide.

5. speak up

5. The'Young Victoria'actress suffered from the speech impediment while growing up and admits she used to be reluctant to speak as a teenager.

6. But he listens intently to testimony and tells defendants to speak up or slow down if he has trouble following their statements.

7. If the Han people are making them up, how we wish Your Holiness speak up and lay it bare.

8. She fell into a deep depression, locking herself up in her room and refusing to speak to anyone.

9. Williams attended Wednesday's sessions, but didn't speak up when other executives expressed doubts about Twitter's revenue prospects.

10. Elton John has paid tribute to gay rights campaigners and urged others around the world to " stand up and speak out " against homophobia.

speak up 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. speak louder
    raise one's voice

    e.g. The audience asked the lecturer to please speak up

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. express one's opinion openly and without fear or hesitation

    e.g. John spoke up at the meeting

    Synonym: opine speak out animadvert sound off