
speaking ['spi:kɪŋ]  [ˈspikɪŋ] 






speaking 基本解释


名词说话; 讲话; 演讲; 谈话

形容词演讲的; 富于表情的; (肖像)栩栩如生的; 雄辩的

动词讲,谈(speak的现在分词 )

speaking 相关词组


1. frankly speaking : 坦白地说;

2. strictly speaking : 严格来说;

3. generally speaking : 一般而言;

speaking 相关例句



1. He went on a speaking tour of the United States.

speaking 情景对话



A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:Yes, I'm Dave Michaels. I'd like to talk to Amy Winters, please.
       是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。

A:Just a moment, please. I'll transfer you.

B:Thank you.


A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
      我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?

A:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

B:When will he be available?

A:I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

B:No, that's OK. I'll call back.

Language school-(语言学校)



A:I said, “Bonjour!”

B:What’s wrong with you, Ted?

A:I’m speaking French. Don’t you know anything?

B:What’s wrong with speaking English?

A:Well, I just got back from my language school. We have to speak French all day there. No English allowed!

B:What are you doing that for?

A:I’m trying to learn new skills. It makes me more qualified for a good job.

B:Good for you.

speaking 词典解释

1. 发表讲话;演讲
    Speaking is the activity of giving speeches and talks.

    e.g. It would also train women union members in public speaking and decision-making...
    e.g. His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances.

2. (表示说话者身份)作为…来说
    You can say 'speaking as a parent' or 'speaking as a teacher', for example, to indicate that the opinion you are giving is based on your experience as a parent or as a teacher.

    e.g. Well, speaking as a journalist I'm dismayed by the amount of pressure there is for pictures of combat.

3. (接过话头引入新话题)说到…,谈到…
    You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing.

    e.g. There's plenty of time to drop hints for Christmas presents! And speaking of presents, we have 100 exclusive fragrance collections to give away.
           还有足够的时间去暗示自己想要的圣诞礼物!说到礼物,我们有 100 份限量版香水要赠送。

4. 一般说来/从技术角度说来
    You use speaking in expressions such as generally speaking and technically speaking to indicate which things or which particular aspect of something you are talking about.

    e.g. Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea...
    e.g. Politically speaking, do you think that these moves have been effective?

speaking 单语例句

1. speaking在线翻译

1. An experienced business English language tutor will help improve your business English speaking and writing skills with private lessons.

2. After about six months of learning by himself, Zhang still did not feel confident about speaking English.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. These signature evenings normally attract about 140 - 180 expatriate and English speaking Chinese that wish to advance their careers by knowing the right people.

4. He declined to give his name because he did not want jeopardize his job by speaking to the media.

5. After speaking a few sentences, he said that he was busy and he would call me back.

6. The competing views are a sign of subsistence farmers becoming active citizens, of women speaking up.

7. speaking是什么意思

7. " Every single stump speech began and ended with speaking about fair trade, " Schuler said of his campaign in a North Carolina district heavily dependent on textiles.

8. I praised them for speaking up and told them their unusual directness and straightforward candor was a call for celebration.

9. Dozens of officials and tribal leaders gathered under a white canopy, speaking from a podium to the crowd who broke into frequent " God is great " chant.

10. One official concerned explained in Cantonese that she had to take time to consult with others on her adeptness for speaking English in district councils.

speaking 英英释义



1. the utterance of intelligible speech

    Synonym: speech production

2. speaking

2. delivering an address to a public audience

    e.g. people came to see the candidates and hear the speechmaking

    Synonym: public speaking speechmaking oral presentation