
spec [spek]  [spɛk] 


spec 基本解释


名词投机; 说明书


spec 网络解释

1. 规格:供应各种型号铜管:H62黄铜管、H65黄铜管、H68黄铜管、H85黄铜管、H90黄铜管以及各种进口黄铜管、紫铜管、青铜管等. 价格优惠、品质保证,欢迎来电咨询或取样! 大口径薄壁管(Tube for Industry Use) 牌号(Code):T2 状态(Temper): 硬(Y)Hard 半硬(Y2)Harf Hard 规格(Spec):外径6mm--50mm 壁厚0.5mm--3.0mm

2. 幽鬼:一个好的团战依赖于一个好的团队,通常一个好的团队都会有一个好的团控,像是斧王(AXE)潮汐猎人(TH),要有好的后期dps,例如幽鬼(Spec)月光骑士(MR),要有不错的团队辅助,像是全能骑士(OK)死灵法师(Nec),以及好的魔法输出和控制,

3. 规范:API至今已出版不少技术资料,正式出版物包括标准(STd)、规范(Spec)、推荐作法RP(Recommended Practice)、通报(Bull)和特种出版物(Pub SP).这些出版物分几类,

4. 標准:(高级)产品质量工程师(PQE)职位说明及要求1.新项目引进时,及时与Design House、客户沟通,达成一致的质量标准(Spec)和质量计划(Quality Plan),制定并签署质量协议(Quality Agreement).

5. spec:system performance evaluation corporation; 系统性能评估测试

6. spec:standard performance evaluation corporation; 标准性能评估机构

7. spec:strategic planning execution committee; 战略规划执行委员会

8. spec:speech predicrive encoding communication; 语音预测编码通信

spec 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 眼镜
    Someone's specs are their glasses.

    e.g. ...a young businessman in his specs and suit.

2. (尤指机器、车辆的)规格,配置
    The spec for something, especially a machine or vehicle, is its design and the features included in it.

    e.g. The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks.

3. spec

3. 碰运气
    If you do something on spec, you do it hoping to get something that you want, but without being asked or without being certain to get it.

    e.g. When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.

spec 单语例句

1. The studio picked up the spec script by Max Werner in May 2010.

spec 英英释义



1. a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work

    Synonym: specification