special fund

special fund [ˈspeʃəl fʌnd]  [ˈspɛʃəl fʌnd] 

special fund 基本解释


专项资金; 特别基金; 专用基金; 特种基金

special fund 网络解释

special fund的近义词

1. 特别基金:上世纪80年代,德国特别基金(SPECIAL FUND)的发展速度开始超过共同基金. 特别基金主要是面向机构投资者如银行、保险公司、其他大公司或大的机构特别是宗教组织设立的基金,主要投资于证券,也有极少量投资于不动产.

2. 专项基金:保险价值可由三种方法确定:摘要: 专项基金(special fund) 企业除生产、经营资金来源以外的,从特定来源形成并具有专门用途的资金来源. 中国专项基金的来源渠道,根据财会制度可分为: ①企业内部形成. 专项基金主要由企业内部形成.

3. 特种经费:special form 特殊模壳 | special fund 特种经费 | special paint 特殊油漆

4. 专用基金:special endorsement特别背书 | special fund专用基金 | special interest group特定权益社会集团

special fund 单语例句

1. Kong said the capital has been investing millions of yuan as a special fund to repair the Great Wall.

2. ADB's technical assistance will be sourced from the Climate Change Fund and technical assistance special fund.

3. special fund

3. The central government coffer recently established a special fund for cutting pollutant emissions.

4. special fund的翻译

4. Chen is being investigated on suspicion of looting a special fund and taking millions of dollars in bribes in connection with a bank consolidation program.

5. The milk companies have also set up a special fund to cover medical bills for future health problems.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. The programme consists of a special credit fund and preferential loan policies for these firms.

7. China has also set up a special fund to provide export credit insurance for domestic farmers.

8. A special fund for the AIDS victims was set up by Libya and Bulgaria in 2005 under the aegis of the EU.

9. He said there was no special cyclone relief fund set up at the Islamic Development Bank.

10. The National Development and Reform Committee provided 130 million yuan, and the other 200 million yuan came from a special fund.