1. 说明:UML具有可视化(Visualizing)功能,说明(Specifying)功能,建造(Constructing)功能和建文档(Documenting)功能. 性质层:性质层由一个属性既由一个内部变量,一个赋值函数(mutator)和一个取值函数(accessor)组成的结构. 图示为jobTitle,如:
2. 说:evidencing 列明 | specifying 说 | indicating 表明
3. 规定的:specify early 早期规定 | specifying 规定的 | speed 速度
4. 指定/详细说明:specifies /指定/ | specifying /指定/详细说明/ | specilization /特别化/专门化/
1. The Introduction of the Action Plan illustrates China's view of human rights by specifying three basic principles for formulating and implementing the Action Plan.
2. Only by specifying the amounts that different government departments have to contribute can the problem of resource shortage be solved and rising kindergartens fees checked.
3. specifying
3. The National Bureau of Statistics said 2011's Gini coefficient was " a little higher than 2010, " without specifying either number.
4. The operator also said the ticket cost would be reimbursed, without specifying how exactly it would be done.
5. Economics theory tells us a lot about which countries are most vulnerable, but specifying exactly where and when crises will erupt is far more difficult.
6. The statement said taxi fees would rise if the fuel price goes higher, but without specifying the criterion of price rise.
7. One involves 10 programs to expand demand, further detailing and specifying the 10 stimulus measures kicked out last year.
8. China and the DPRK have compiled plans for the development of the zones, specifying key industries and creating an industrial structure and direction.
9. I remember in the early days private enterprises might say they " earned a million bucks " without specifying whether it's revenue or profit.
10. The Shenzhen exchange also plans to revise the criteria to check information disclosures, the notice said without specifying.