
specimen [ˈspesɪmən]  [ˈspɛsəmən] 


specimen 基本解释

名词样品; 范例; (化验的)抽样; 某种类型的人

specimen 相关例句


1. He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.

2. This is a specimen of the new fabric.

3. You'll be asked to provide a blood specimen.

4. He is a tough specimen.

5. It was a specimen of his generosity.

specimen 网络解释


1. 标本:尿香草扁桃酸(VMA)测定生化检验常用的标本(specimen) 有血液、尿液、脑脊液和腹水等,其中以血液标本最为常用. 羊水(amniotic fluid) 是产前诊断的良好材料,从羊水成分的变化可了解胎儿的成熟度,有否先天性缺陷及宫内感染.

2. 样品:(a)样品(specimen)的识别,处理和储存. (b)标本(sample)和试剂的贮存,传送. 其中specimen 和sample 中文意义很近似,但在临床化学上有差异,样品(specimen)是指从测试对象采取的血液、尿液等,在放入分析仪开始分析前需要对其加以标记,

3. 样本:如田间试验小区的作物,一堆粮食或集装箱中的货物;但有些情况下要从动态群体中取样,如流动的河水,循环的血液或生产线上的传送带,群体随时间变化,从这类群体中所取出的一小部分称为样本(specimen).

specimen 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. (动植物的)标本
    A specimen is a single plant or animal which is an example of a particular species or type and is examined by scientists.

    e.g. 200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at the Komarov Botanical Institute.
           有 20 万份菌类标本被保存在科马罗夫植物研究所。
    e.g. ...North American fossil specimens...

2. 样品;样本
    A specimen of something is an example of it which gives an idea of what the whole of it is like.

    e.g. Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting.
    e.g. ...a specimen bank note.

3. (供检验用的尿、血液等体液的)抽样,样本
    A specimen is a small quantity of someone's urine, blood, or other body fluid which is examined in a medical laboratory, in order to find out if they are ill or if they have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

    e.g. He refused to provide a specimen...
    e.g. If your urine specimen shows the presence of bacteria, you'll be prescribed antibiotics.

4. 具有…特性的人;…的典型
    You can use specimen to refer to someone who has a quality of a particular kind.

    e.g. What a poor specimen that child is!...
    e.g. He is a fine specimen of his class.

specimen 单语例句

1. Though Chinese anthropologists have always cast doubts about it, they failed to uncover enough and intact fossil specimen to argue with the hypothesis.

2. He is a technician in charge of fossil specimen repair at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

3. The specimen comes from Cretaceous rocks in the Yixian Formation of northeastern China.

4. specimen

4. Respiratory specimen has been taken from the patient and test result is pending, according to the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health.

5. But the environment in which Flores Man lived was indeed peculiar, and scientists say it probably contributed to the specimen's unusually small dimensions.

6. specimen的反义词

6. The unusual physical attribute makes the specimen the only dinosaur known to have one finger.

7. An Egyptologist who did not work on the specimen said the discovery is an important addition to knowledge of ancient ritual.

8. The museum is a large natural history museum, holding a collection of two hundred and forty thousand pieces of animal specimen.

9. Chinese archaeologists uncovered the fossil specimen of the gliding lizard in western Liaoning Province in Northeast China in 2005.

10. The French were convinced that Americans had merely discovered a specimen sent to them by the Pasteur Institute in Paris.

specimen 英英释义



1. a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes

    e.g. they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis

2. an example regarded as typical of its class