
speck [spek]  [spɛk] 



speck 基本解释

名词微粒; 污点


speck 网络解释

1. 斑点:比如医生给受伤患者盖上一块带有斑点(Speck)的布,就可以远程监控患者的身体状况. 此斑点还可以跟踪患者的行动,保存信息,并与先前的信息进行比较. 除此之外,它还能做出一些应答,如当患者的肌肉恢复得差不多时,它会亮起灯,

2. 瑕:nick缺口 | speck瑕? | shine亮班

3. 瑕疵:nick缺口 | speck瑕疵 | shine亮班

4. 瑕疪:nick缺口 | speck瑕疪 | shine亮班

speck 词典解释

1. speck什么意思

1. 污点;痕迹;斑点;小块
    A speck is a very small stain, mark, or shape.

    e.g. ...a speck of blood.

2. (粉末状物质的)微粒
    A speck is a very small piece of a powdery substance.

    e.g. Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes.

speck 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. The imaginative elephant Horton hears a cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air.

2. It took two directors - TV commercial veterans Will Speck and Josh Gordon - and four credited screenwriters to put " Blades of Glory " together.

3. Speck said he expects the luxury segment to continue to grow in the country and Volvo expects to grow with the segment throughout the year.

speck 英英释义



1. speck的解释

1. a very small spot

    e.g. the plane was just a speck in the sky

    Synonym: pinpoint

2. a slight but appreciable amount

    e.g. this dish could use a touch of garlic

    Synonym: touch hint tinge mite pinch jot soupcon

3. speck什么意思

3. (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything

    Synonym: atom molecule particle corpuscle mote


1. speck的意思

1. produce specks in or on

    e.g. speck the cloth