
spectral [ˈspektrəl]  [ˈspɛktrəl] 

spectral 基本解释

形容词光谱的; 谱的; (似)鬼的; 幽灵的

spectral 网络解释

1. 光谱:在彩色(Colors)栏上,将彩色等级(colorgrading)设为光谱(Spectral),如此设置后即能以红色有效地点亮发生频率低的事件. 按一下前面板上的默认设置(Default Setup)键,将探针与感兴趣的信号相连,然后按一下自动测试(Autoset)键.

2. 光谱,频谱的:spectacles 眼镜,平光眼镜 | spectral 光谱,频谱的 | spectral lamp 光谱灯

3. 光谱的:spectral colors 光谱色 | spectral 光谱的 | spectrally 幽灵似地

4. 频谱的:spatial waveform 空间波形 | spectral 频谱的 | spectrum 频谱

spectral 词典解释

1. 鬼怪(似)的;幽灵(似)的
    If you describe someone or something as spectral, you mean that they look like a ghost.

    e.g. She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer.
    e.g. ...the spectral quality of the light.

spectral 单语例句

1. spectral

1. The science team had planned to compare the spectral signatures of the martian rocks with Earth samples to confirm that the composition was the same.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. CBERS are equipped with cameras for earth observation in different spectral bands.

3. spectral

3. Its bands are located in the spectral zone of the visible and near infrared, which allow good contrast between vegetation and other type of objects.

4. Water and carbon dioxide ices were found, as well as dark material that fits the spectral profile of hydrocarbons.

5. The ghost story is about a spectral former girlfriend and the hero's newlywed wife.

6. The jagged front and sides form a boxy " V " shape, resembling the hull and sails of the Flying Dutchman's spectral ship.

spectral 英英释义


1. spectral的近义词

1. resembling or characteristic of a phantom

    e.g. a ghostly face at the window
           a phantasmal presence in the room
           spectral emanations
           spiritual tappings at a seance

    Synonym: apparitional ghostlike ghostly phantasmal spiritual

2. of or relating to a spectrum

    e.g. spectral colors
           spectral analysis