





speculated 基本解释
投机;思索,猜测,推测( speculate的过去式和过去分词 );
speculated 网络解释


1. 推测、思索:originated引发、发明、发起 | speculated推测、思索 | Ascertaining 确定、探知

2. 推测:2 Specification 说明书 | 2 Speculated 推测 | 2 Spread-sheet 电子表格

speculated 单语例句

1. speculated

1. Experts had speculated that salmonella would be most likely to contaminate peanut butter as it cooled and was placed in jars.

2. Chan's inclusion on the list was questioned by some bloggers in China, who wondered why she had been chosen and speculated that her wealth was the reason.

3. Some have speculated that the act is actually a disguised marketing campaign by KFC.

4. speculated是什么意思

4. The guards speculated that the bomb might be fired from behind the Civil Service Commission head office or from a building of the office.

5. speculated的反义词

5. Some investors have also speculated it may allow the yuan to rise at a faster clip to tame imported inflation.

6. The vet speculated the bird might have eaten seeds that had been coated with pesticide.

7. Some analysts have speculated that the more collegial setting could hamper Obama's efforts to challenge Romney more aggressively than in Denver.

8. Scientists speculated the steam was due to hot rock coming into contact with ice and snow contained in the glacier.

9. speculated的翻译

9. A giant panda was seriously injured during a fight among four pandas on Monday, and experts speculated they were fighting for courtship.

10. Some local media speculated that the delivery time of the carriages could be a factor.