speech pattern在线翻译
speech pattern的近义词
1. 语言模图:变换之值谱 spectrum of a transformation | 语言模图 speech pattern | 速率因子 speed factor
2. 言語模式:dysfluency 言語障礙 | speech pattern 言語模式 | category of speech 言語範疇
3. 语音型样:语音路径系统 speech path system | 语音型样 speech pattern | 语音型样匹配 speech pattern matching
4. 语言模式:speech path system 话路系统 | speech pattern 语言模式 | speech processing software 语言处理软件,语音处理软件
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1. distinctive manner of oral expression
e.g. he couldn't suppress his contemptuous accent
she had a very clear speech pattern
Synonym: accent