1. 精子:故在切面中很难见到.(4)精子细胞(spermatid) 成群分布,位置靠近管腔,直径约8 m,胞核圆形,着色深.胞质少.晚期精子细胞并非球形而有多种形态.(5)精子(spermatozoon) 嵌入支持细胞顶部或游离于生精小管腔内.精子外形似蝌蚪,
2. 精蟲:Abnormal cell 異常細胞 ..................69 | Spermatozoon 精蟲 ..................72 | Bacterium 細菌 .....................72
3. 精子(动):精密深度记录仪 precision depth recorder | 精子(动) spermatozoon | 鲸背状沙丘 whaleback
4. 精虫/精子:spermatozoid /游动精子/ | spermatozoon /精虫/精子/ | spermectomy /精索部分切除术/
1. 精子
A spermatozoon is a sperm.
1. the male reproductive cell
the male gamete
e.g. a sperm is mostly a nucleus surrounded by little other cellular material
Synonym: sperm sperm cell spermatozoan