







spheres 基本解释
圆球;球( sphere的名词复数 );范围;层;
spheres 网络解释


1. 天體:注:根据希腊的天文学,月球圈内(Sub-Lunary,包括地球)的物质由水、火、土、空气四大元素组成,是不完美的;空间天体(Spheres)是完美的,能发出光和热.

2. 球形:Sweet Shapes 甜蜜的形状 | Spheres 球形 | Under the Dome 穹顶之下

3. 球状化:Shear 弯曲:斜拉纽曲变形. | Spheres 球状化 | Twirl 旋转变形

spheres 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. If anything this shows ramification of China's power and influence before the advent of the West and Japanese into Chinese spheres of influence.

2. spheres在线翻译

2. Design data is increasingly becoming important outside the traditional spheres of drafting and design, says Gao.

3. spheres

3. He hoisted the Brass Balls award, which resembles a giant dumbbell with spheres on two sides.

4. But the prevailing Cold War sought to expand aggressive designs and spheres of influence in the name of transferring ideology and establishing security bloc.

5. At the same time it is necessary to take note of the impacts of the economic crisis on spheres beyond the economic field.

6. The aim of the spheres is to provide unexpected combinations of textures and tastes as well as to offer unprecedented attractions for the eye.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. For the first time in the nation's history, there are more than a dozen overseas coaches guiding teams from all sporting spheres.

8. Make sure that you cook the couscous until the spheres are tender but not gummy.

9. spheres的翻译

9. The status of women in Tibet in political, economic and cultural spheres as well as in families has been fundamentally improved.

10. The American side has kept up asking China to open its markets in the banking and insurance spheres.